Finally watched this and blimey. A bloated and, at times, nauseously indulgent mess that infuriates more often than it inspires. It looks cheap, and features a brilliant cast giving us some of the worst performances of their careers. I wanted to reach through the screen and stab Shia Labeouf, but probably not for the reasons the film intended.
And yet, there are things I actually liked about it. The tangle of ideas struggle to fully come together, but the broader concept is ultimately optimistic and pure and something we should all want in our heart of hearts.
The end scene in particuar really struck me as something very Trekkian. Shaking the hand of your bitter enemy. Love over hate for the sake of the next generation.
That, or I was just pleased it was finally over.
I can't say I liked it. But I can't help but admire it.