Film Review — Evil Dead 2
A hellishly hot take.
It’s a tale as old as time. Boy meets girl. Boy takes girl to an isolated wood cabin. Girl turns into a demon from another dimension. Boy ends up with a chainsaw for a hand.
Sam Raimi’s iconic slapstick horror sequel/remake is a classic. A king of the video nasty, filled to the brim with iconic moments, legendary lines and audacious filmmaking that firmly established its maverick creator as one of cinema’s great mad scientists.
But for all its genius, all the “groovy” and gory mayhem, Evil Dead 2 — unlike its progenitor — lacks a satisfying, coherent narrative.
Like its puss-spewing deadites, the film staggers from one moment of madness to the next, so consumed with delivering deranged visuals that it forgets to do anything else.
A fun time for sure, but its scattered and disjointed narrative left me feeling like a few plates had been smashed over my head too.